Upward Plank Pose | Purvottanasana

upward plank pose

Hey, What’s up! welcome to Warrior Fitness Zone. I'm Kailash Rathod and Today, we are going to learn Fish Pose or Matsyasana. It’s a backward bend chest opener asana and a beginner can practice this. This asana anatomically affects the chest, the abs, the belly, the neck, the spine and also the hip flexors. This particular asana allows the stretch, the hip flexors, the psoas muscles and also the muscles between the rip cages also called is intercostal muscles. It’s strengthened and stimulates the organs inside the abdomen and the throat area. It also stretches the upper back and the neck region beautifully. Those who have insomnia, those who have higher/lower blood pressure, those who have migraine, those who have injury in the lower back or the neck region should avoid this practice. It is said traditionally that when you practice this asana, this asana can help you destroy all the diseases.

So friends, let's start this asana. This asana can be done in a lotus pose also or with a straight leg. Lot of time, when people do it in a lotus pose, they find a lot of strength. So we will make it simple when we do it with a straight leg position, so lying on the back. After lying on the back, what we do is, webring the palms on the floor and underneath the buttock. This allows the chest area to lift easily because we are going to use of the support of the elbows and the forearms. So legs are little active, thighs are little active, quads are engaged, knee caps is used. Now, slowly press the elbows down on the floor or what you can use. You can press the elbows down and lift it up, so that you can watch your toes and then slowly roll the head behind and bring the crown of the head on the floor, if possible. No matter if you don’t reach here, even if you reach anywhere here or maybe on the crown that is fine. Just hold it with ease and the weight is actually not much coming on the head. It is actually the elbows, which is taking the weight. Maybe on the later on the weight come on the head region. But in the beginning, it should only come on the elbow. The elbow is only supporting to hold you with the final position. So, lifting the head, shoulder up watching the toes, lifting bringing the crown of the head behind, opening the chest, dropping the shoulders, allowing the shoulder blades to squeeze down. Hold this position. Breathe this position. Genitally come down. When you do this it is very important to allow the muscles of the chest to open with ease, and to breathe softly and genitally into it. And now when you come back, you can also lift up and watch your toes to come back. The way we went, in the same way we come back. So we went with using the elbows watching the toe and when we went to come back we use the elbow, we look at the toes and slowly come down. This particular asana friends, is very good for thyroid. They said that when the thyroid goes off because of hyper or hypo, it creates lots of imbalance in the body. So this asana will affect this particular area thyroid very beautifully. If you want after the practice, you can move the head, chin a little forward upward so that you can counter balance the movement you did in the fish pose. Namaste!