Surya Namashkar sun salutation

Sun salutation (Surya Namashkar):

An ancient yogic tradition of worshiping the rising or setting of the sun (surya). It is thought that if the day and night were like breathing dawn and dusk would be the pause between the inhalation and exhalation (kumbaka) and the perfect time for reflection, meditation, or yoga practice.

The sequence can be used in preparation for other postures heating up and stretching the body, bringing the connection between movement and breath. It can also be used as a complete exercise in itself. It tones and stretches the muscles, massages the inner organs, and helps to relieve constipation, speeds up the metabolism and helps to reduce weight. So even spending 15 minutes of your day practicing the Sun Salutations can be used to calm the mind, and promote health and balance. Combine the different sequences for variation, and see how good they can make you feel.

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Mountain Pose (Tadasana):

Tadasana, also known as the Mountain Pose, is considered as the most basic posture of all yoga. It seems simple, but there’s quite a lot going on in the body to pay attention to. Often, the ancient yogis are depicted standing in Tadasana because this posture is the base of all yoga. It is like coming to terms with the challenges where one addresses the full dynamics of the opportunities yoga affords.

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Tree Pose (Vrikshasana):

To practice Vrikshasana, you just stand on one foot while resting your other foot, on the thighs of the leg, on which you are standing. This pose resembles a 'tree' as is evident in the illustration above. Your hands should join upwards in a Namaste as depicted and you need to relax while holding this asana. Balance yourself on each leg for a minute and then take a pause.
This asana should be done on an empty stomach and a fresh mind. Do this yogasana daily and watch how you start feeling better and stronger from within.

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Forward Fold (Uttanasana):

In this pose we have to Breathing out, and bend forward and down towards the feet. As Inversions bring a wealth of benefits to mind and body, and inversions include way more yoga poses than just a handstand! Forward Fold is the perfect gentle inversion to boost immunity.

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Triangle Pose (Trikonasana):

Triangle pose or Utthita Trikonasana in Sanskrit, Utthita means extended and trikona means three angle or triangle. When in proper alignment, Triangle Pose allows your hips to open up, giving you a sense of freedom and beauty in the body.
To gain maximum benefits of Trikonasana, always practice the asana with an empty stomach and bowel. The best time to practice trikonasana is in morning. Although you can practice this in evening as well, making sure there is a gap of at least five to six hours between the practice and meal. This asana gives a good stretch to ankles, shoulders, thighs, groins, knees, calves, thorax, vertebral column and hamstrings.

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