Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Shvanasana):

Downward Facing Dog also known as “adho mukha svanasana” is one of the most well-known yoga poses in the western world. It is that pose that you often hear yoga teachers call a “resting pose,” but whilst your hands slip towards the front of the mat, and your arms start shake you may start thinking – this is definitely NOT rest. But believe it or not, it is actually possible to find rest in a downdog. With the correct alignment and some work on your strength and flexibility, I promise, you will one day find rest in your downward facing dog (even if it’s just for a second).

Downward facing dog stretches the entire body, whilst also building strength, particularly in the shoulders and arms. It is also considered a mild inversion as your head hangs lower than your heart.

  • Hair problems can be solved if your practice Adho Mukha Svanasana every day
  • It improves digestion of human body
  • It relieves menstrual discomfort
  • Stretches the shoulders, hamstrings, calves, arches, and hands
  • The person who suffer from a lot of digestion problems, gas and acidity, this might be the only yoga pose that help.
  • It helps cure swollen veins which are also known as varicose veins.
  • It helps improve your memory and retaining power.
  • This asana increases your flexibility and makes you feel active.
  • Contraindications and Cautions

  • During the Pregnancy
  • The person with High blood pressure or headache
  • The Person with Carpal tunnel syndrome isseue
  • If person having Diarrhea